Tuesday, 16 August 2011


ok so everyone knows that explosions are pretty bad ! an everyone know the closer you are the worse the injury !. so iv got a little tip the army has taught me . there is a condition called blast lung this is caused by the over pressure from the postive wave of the explosion it ruptures the small vessells inside the lung called alveioli and causes the lung to fill with fluid  then the patients breathing to deteriorate. this condition is also somtimes hard to miss . so heres the tip .....when dealing with patients who have sustained a blast injury look for bleeding from the ears it requires the same amount of pressure to rupture the inner ear as it does the lung ! soo a patient who is bleeding from the ear following explosion should be screened for blastlung and patinets without can be at a lower priorty until conditions change ( other injurys dependent )

little fact !

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picture of the MERT team operating in afgan